Latest Episodes

07: Rethink Sales - The Role of Humanity and Empathy in Virtual Selling with Anita Nielsen
Michelle talks with Anita Nielsen, President-Owner of LDK Advosiry Services, about tapping into your humanity and how to sell in a virtual environment.

06: Rethink Sales - Building Your Brand to Expand, Grow, & Thrive with Pete Canalichio
Pete Canalichio, Founder and Managing Partner of BrandAlive, joins Mark and Michelle for this weeks Rethink Sales Podcast. They discussed how to make your...

04: Rethink Sales - Making No Regrets Decisions with Mike Figliuolo
Back in March when the pandemic struck, most of us couldn’t imagine how it would impact a holiday season eight months in the future....

03: Rethink Sales - Restart Growth with Keith Pigues Part 1
We took a deep dive into more of our predictions and discuss how to enable your organization to hit the ground running as you...

02: Rethink Sales - Restart Growth with Keith Pigues Part 2
Restarting your organization’s growth? What you prioritize depends on the value you deliver to your customers. But do you know what that value is?...

05: Rethink Sales - 25 Predictions for 2021
Since the beginning of COVID, we’ve been looking at the indicators of change and working with companies on planning and adjusting during the year....